The PRDTU supports the Prince Rupert Public Library and wants it to remain open as a locally-governed municipal library. Visit Keep-It-Local.ca to learn more.
That’s why the PRDTU supports retaining the city-appointed municipal library board and keeping the municipal library open. The city’s local library is too valuable to outsource to a Nanaimo-based regional library district (VIRL).
Currently, the local library is just that: Local. Our city’s municipal library is run by a city-appointed library board, composed entirely of city residents whose job is to bring local voices and local priorities and needs to the governance of our local library.
The city-appointed Prince Rupert Public Library Board ensures that local needs are prioritized. It is directly accountable to local residents. Under the existing system, local tax dollars for core library services and programs remain here, in the community – under the control of a city-appointed library board.
If outsourced, Prince Rupert tax dollars would be sent to Nanaimo, or another regional library district, and then reallocated to all the branches in their system. This takes away local control over local resources and makes it harder for local needs to be met.
The governance structure of our library is spelled out in the Library Act.