New Members

Welcome to the Prince Rupert District Teachers’ Union (PRDTU). We’re excited to have you join our community of teaching professionals!

Prince Rupert, Port Edward, Metlakatla, and Hartley Bay (the Gitga’at First Nation), which are within the territory of the Ts’msyen Nation, are welcoming and vibrant communities.

To help you navigate your new role, the PRDTU welcomes you. Below are ways to get and stay connected…

  • Join the PRDTU email list – send an email to Gabriel Bureau (President) to (be sure to use your personal, not work, email for union communication).
  • Ask to join your school email list – the Staff Rep at your school or worksite can help you join any school email lists at your location
  • Set up your BCTF Portal account. That’s where you can access information on professional development, specialist associations, union engagement, and information on your Collective Agreement and employment rights.
  • Get involved. There are lots of ways to participate in your union of processionals. Join a committee, attend union meetings at your school or the PRDTU, attend a professional development conference, join a specialist association, attend BCTF Zones as an Executive Committee member/alternate, or attend a social event.

Your union is you. We are teaching professionals working together to strengthen public education, support each other as professionals, build community and be connected, and to problem solve when needed. Your union is here to help you navigate benefits, make human resources decisions, advocate for public schools, and develop yourself as a professional.

GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez