The PRDTU welcomes the recent decisions made by the SD52 Board of Trustees to improve access to meetings and increase accountability of school district management. Three decisions made by the Board of Trustees at the September 14, 2021 meeting will improve public access and increase accountability and oversight, which will help the Board of Trustees in good governance of the School District. These decisions were:
- To hire an accounting firm to conduct a forensic audit of school district finances and oversight
- To continue to provide online access for the public to remotely participate in board meetings, even after COVID-19 measures are no longer necessary
- To record board meetings and to make these available to the public for viewing in the future
Teachers support public schools that work for the benefit of students, families, and the community. Having strong and effective oversight of school district management, and widespread participation in public school governance, helps us all work together for our schools and students.
Last year, senior management of SD52 made statements at a public board meeting that clearly indicated that the cuts to instructional staffing would be fewer than what was carried out. Had that school board meeting been recorded and publicly available, the record would make this clear. Greater accountability for management builds trust in our schools and improves governance.
There should be no cuts to teachers or other instructional staff when there are overcapacity classes in our schools. Hopefully the forensic audit will investigate the actual level of spending on non-instructional spending, including on management and administration. The funds should stay as close to the students as possible.